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Miriam Margolyes gives blow jobs and more

I thought the autobiography of Miriam Margoyles may have been an enjoyable experience but sadly not the case.

She is well known for having a potty mouth and she doesn't disappoint in the book.

If you want to read her talent of giving 'blow jobs' and don't mind the 'C' word used in its full spelling along with other expletive's this may be a book for you.

I read about a quarter and thought do I want to carry on reading but decided not, a story can be told in an honest fashion without such language but I suppose she doesn't want to disappoint her diehard fans of which I'm not one.

Some of us have a Mother or Grandmother that is her age of 81 and would be horrified to hear them us such language, Miriam seems to think there is humour in it.


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