Trump was found guilty yesterday on all 34 charges and is now in the history books as the first President or ex president to have a criminal record.
Trump always thought he was untouchable but the judiciary showed him otherwise, even now he is disputing the verdict, he should remember it was not the judge who found him guilty, it was a jury of 12 individuals, he was not found guilty on one charge, it was unanimously on all 34 charges.
If he is questioning the verdicts he is questioning the jury and like most things in Trump world that is the behaviour of a narcissist.
I hope when he is sentenced next month it is a custodial sentence as he had many warning and fines for breaking the gagging orders around the case and sadly continues to spread his fake news about the case and the outcome.
Mel Trump must be spitting feathers and unlike the rest of his family she did not support him in court, surely if so innocent and she believed him she would have shown her support.
What wife would standby a husband of the calibre of Trump ?
It is a wife that enjoys the prestige of having the title First Lady with the big prospect of holding the title for two presidential terms.
Otherwise she could have walked away and took Trump to the cleaners like his other wives.